Saving Energy To Save The Earth
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Saving Energy To Save The Earth

When I bought my first home, I couldn't believe how much money I was sinking into power each and every month. I was spending a lot on heating, air conditioning, and lighting. I started going through my home, and I realized that there was a lot that I could do in order to cut down on my spending. I was able to dramatically reduce my energy consumption by making a few changes around the house, and it was amazing. Within no time, I actually felt like I was doing my part to save energy and make the world a better place.

Saving Energy To Save The Earth

  • Looking For An Oil Company To Explore Your Land? What You Should Take Care Of Before You Lease

    8 November 2016

    If you own land in the Permian Basin that is not being used for anything, the thought of leasing it out to an oil and gas company for exploration—and thus money for you—might be very tempting. A lot of people have made good money through leasing their mineral rights, but you have to approach the situation carefully. Going with the wrong company or not researching the situation thoroughly could cause a lot of trouble for you.

  • Three Secret Ways To Make Your Work From Home Business A Success

    7 August 2016

    When you start a career that allows you to work from home, do what you love and work on your own time schedule, the feeling of freedom is wonderful. However, it can be easy to get sidetracked by non-work issues, which can derail your thoughts and your profits. Whether you are just starting out on your journey of working from home, or you are a veteran that is looking for tips to increase productivity (and your bottom line), the following tips will help you do more with less time.

  • Two Tips To Help You Save Money On Propane

    25 July 2016

    If you live in a home that utilizes propane for the heating system, you know how vital it is to have this substance available to you on those cold, winter days.  However, if your budget is stretched thin, you may be looking for ways that you can get propane without breaking the bank.  Use this information to learn more about what you can do to save money on propane expenses.

  • Two Ways To Make Solar Panels More Affordable For Your Business

    22 July 2016

    A good way to reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint is to switch to solar energy. However, it can cost up to $35,000 to install a 5 kWh system. While the price of solar panels is likely to decrease in the future, there are a few ways you can make installing a solar system more affordable now. Here are two options to consider. Explore Government Programs The federal and state governments are interested in getting people to switch to solar power for environmental and national security reasons.

  • Tired Of The Rolling Blackouts And Brown-Outs? Why It May Be Time To Consider Solar Energy

    15 July 2016

    Many coastal states, especially those along the western seaboard and New England states, frequenty suffer blackouts and brown-outs from the power surges and high usage during peak times of the day and year. If that is not difficult enough to deal with, then you have the power companies pigeon-holing you into using electricity during specific times of the day so that a blackout or brown-out does not occur. During the hottest months or days of the year, it may be nearly impossible to avoid using electricity, since you want your air conditioning running all the time to keep your home cool and comfortable.